Certified Diamond Jewelry Ensures Its Value and Authenticity

by | Nov 27, 2023 | Diamond Jewelry

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Buying a diamond for an engagement ring or other piece of jewelry is a big deal. You want to find that perfect gem in that perfect setting, and you also want to be sure your money goes toward a gem that is worth every penny. Buying only certified diamond jewelry is the best way to ensure you’re getting what you thought.

Certification is a process in which one of a select group of laboratories examines a diamond to determine factors like the cut, clarity, and more. The Gemological Institute of America (GIA) was the first organization to introduce certification. Its laboratory looks at what they call the 4Cs: cut, color, clarity, and carat. The diamonds are examined for additional qualities like how symmetrical the cut is. Certification tells you that the quality of the diamond makes it worth the price you’re paying; you wouldn’t want to spend thousands of dollars on a heavily flawed diamond, for example.

GIA continues to certify, or grade diamonds, and other gemological organizations have created their systems. These include the American Gem Society and the International Gemological Institute. If you don’t recognize the name of the organization that certifies the diamonds from a particular jeweler, you can look up the name and find out about their certification program online. However, GIA remains the most well-known.

Your diamond, even if it’s already in a jewelry setting, should come with a certificate. These are usually in paper form, although some organizations like GIA now offer a fully online version.